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Walt Disney World | Hollywood Studios | 5 Favorites Gone Forever | Backlot Tour | Animation Building

Walt Disney World’s Hollywood Studios is about to embark on a major transformation. In many ways, that transformation has already begun. The removal of the Sorcerers Hat, the closing of the Backlot Tour, and the Animation Building may have captured the headlines, but the process started years ago with the disappearance of some of the “hidden gems” of the Studios.

SamsDisneyDiary - 5 Favorites Gone from WDW Hollywood
SamsDisneyDiary – 5 Favorites Gone from WDW Hollywood

Hard to believe but Disney MGM Studios was originally built to be a working television and feature movie production studio, the first of its kind in Central Florida. In 1989 when the park opened, it featured two studios: Walt Disney Feature Animation Florida, which produced among others Mulan, Lilo & Stitch, and Brother Bear, and Walt Disney Studios Florida. Walt Disney Studios Florida produced The Mickey Mouse Club with Britney Spears, Justin Timberlake, Ryan Gosling, and Christina Aquilera. The Studios also produced “Teen Win, Lose or Draw”, Adventures in Wonderland along with tapings of World Championship Wrestling, Let’s Make a Deal, and several music videos. The Backlot Tour was built

Disney MGM Studios Opening day Map
Disney MGM Studios Opening day Map

around and inside the sets, props, and backstage area of the “working” studio. Originally, the studio was exactly that, a studio tour, but that identity didn’t last long. The Feature Animation Department was closed in 2001 and the working studio concept never really stuck. Today, in summer 2015, the Studios is a shell of what it was originally intended to be; the concept of a working studio has been abandoned. We learned from Bob Iger that the name would be changing, but no additional details. It’s safe to say the working studio concept is gone, and the new name will reflect just that.   Hollywood Studios will transform into a working “Theme Park”, and if the changes at Disney’s California Adventure are any indication of what’s to come – we are in for a treat. DCA’s Carsland, Bugsland, Hollywoodland would easily fit into Studios (While World of Color may be a preview of what to expect at Animal Kingdoms Rivers of Light). – See SamsDisneyDiary #60 for World of Color Celebrate.

 5 Hollywood Studios Secrets Gone forever….

“The Guard Shack(s)”

The Guard Shack - Original MGM Studios Version - The Gateway from the Front lot to the Back lot, was a key component to the original studio design.
The Guard Shack – Original MGM Studios Version.  An important landmark in the original studio design.  Separating the front lot rom the back lot – a forgotten relic.

One of the earliest signs of “change to come” happened during Star Wars Weekends 2009. One of my favorite “hidden secrets” of the Studios was to the left of the Great Movie Ride headed toward the ABC Commissary. On the right of the walkway, there used to be a small building, a Guard Shack. That guard shack was the symbolic passing from the front lot (Hollywood Blvd and Sunset) to the studio’s backlot – ABC Commissary. All of the attractions and shops on the front lot were built as full buildings for guests’ enjoyment, while sets on the backlot were built for the camera. Residential Street and even Star Tours with only the front facade of the AT-AT Walker constructed.  The shack itself was a simple building, complete with incredible details: A Studios jacket with a clipboard and computer monitor. It was removed to make room for the Jedi Mickey meet and greet location and never came back. There was another guard shack near the Backlot Express, that too has been removed.

Sid Cahuenga’s One-of-a-Kind

Disney Stars and Motor Cars parade - Kermitt
Disney Stars and Motor Cars parade – Kermitt
Disney Stars and Motor Cars parade - Kermitt
Sid’s Truck is still parked outside the shop

From the MGM Studios Opening Day Map Sid Cahuenga’s One-of-a-Kind”: Sid has a house full of authentic Hollywood collectibles he’s willing to part with”. As soon as you enter Hollywood Studios, look directly to your left – just to the right of Guest Relations, you can’t miss Sid Cahuenga’s truck – the truck full of Hollywood props. Sid is fresh back from collecting surplus items from local studios, and maybe even digging through some dumpsters. You see, Sid is a huge movie fan, so much so that he relocated from the Midwest to Hollywood in the 20s and collected everything he could. As Hollywood became more popular, Sid refused to sell his property to any studio. Instead, he leveraged the stream of tourists and decided to make some extra money

From park opening until 2013 Sid Cahuengas was the place to find one-of-a-kind "Tinseltown Treasures"
From park opening until 2013 Sid Cahuengas was the place to find one-of-a-kind “Tinseltown Treasures”

by selling some of his collection.  Well, at least that’s the official backstory. From opening day until November 2013, you could find authentic Hollywood memorabilia here. While Sid wasn’t a real person, from opening day until 2005, you might have met “Sid Cahuenga”.

Sid was actually Danny Dillon, a cast member who took Sid and made him real. You could find Danny’s picture as “Sid” hanging inside the building. Sid’s was my last stop every time I visited the Studios; it was truly unique. Now you know why even today, you see Sid’s truck and a residential-style house that looks out of place for Hollywood.  In December 2013, the memorabilia from Sid’s was moved to the AFI – American Film Institute at the exit of the Backlot Tour, and Sid’s was reopened as Hollywood Studios “MyMagic+ Service Center”. The outside remains themed, you’ll find Fast Pass+ Kiosks.   Let’s hope we don’t lose the outside theme as the Studios transitions.

The Writer’s Stop

Originally the Writer's Stop had a 60s style console TV playing Mickey Mouse Cartoons
Originally the Writer’s Stop had a 60s style console TV playing Mickey Mouse Cartoons

No, the Writer’s Stop has not closed; in fact, many list it as a Hollywood Studios hidden gem. Described in the Studios map as “Coffee, espresso, muffins, pastries and more”, the Writer’s Stop is a perfect hidden gem in plain sight. Don’t miss the famous carrot cake cookie!! Yum! It’s not the Writer’s Stop itself that I’m missing. It’s the changing of the interior. Inside the Writer’s Stop, when crowd levels are moderate to low, you’ll find a display of various Disney books and DVDs. The high

Hollywood Studios "Writer's Stop" with the upgraded Television and rack of DVD/BluRay
Hollywood Studios “Writer’s Stop” with the upgraded Television and rack of DVD/BluRay

definition television between a couple of chairs and couch features some of the movies that are available for purchase in the Writer’s Stop. During Star Wars Weekend and the Osborne Lights, the chairs and couch will be replaced by high top tables to accommodate larger crowds. But even then, it’s what used to be there that I miss. In place of the high definition television and DVDs, there used to be a 1950s style console television featuring black and white Mickey Mouse cartoons, along with board games and children’s books.   This was a MUST do for our young family, a retreat in the middle of the park. My children immediately grabbed a seat at the couch (or nearby chair) and finished off their afternoon snack while watching classic Mickey Mouse. That homey feeling is a part of Hollywood Studio’s history – it was a perfect escape from the Florida heat, and always led to conversations about the TV at grandma’s house.

AFI – American Film Institute Showcase

The American Film Institute Showcase featured an ever changing exhibit of move props and costumes.
The American Film Institute Showcase featured an ever changing exhibit of move props and costumes.
The American Film Institute Showcase featured an ever changing exhibit of move props and costumes.
The American Film Institute Showcase featured an ever changing exhibit of move props and costumes.

While I understand the closing of the Backlot Tour and re-theming of the park, lost in the shuffle was the American Film Institute Showcase. If you ever rode the Backlot Tour, the AFI Showcase was the exit area just before the AFI Store. This was a great spot for “traveling” exhibits that showcased a movie or movie genre. It was also a great spot to see actual props and film used wardrobes. At its closing in August 2014, the exhibit featured “The Best in Film: AFI’s 100 Years, 100 Movies,” featuring props and costumes based on AFI’s “100 Greatest Movies” list. It was also a great place to see authentic Star Wars props during Star Wars Weekends.


Pixar Countdown to Fun Parade was a daily parade at Hollywood studios from 2011-2013
Pixar Countdown to Fun Parade was a daily parade at Hollywood studios from 2011-2013
Disney Stars and Motor Cars parade - Kermitt
Disney Stars and Motor Cars parade – Kermitt

While the expectation is the return of a daily parade, Hollywood Studios lost its daily parade in 2013 when the Pixar Pals Countdown to Fun! The parade was canceled. The Countdown to Fun Parade was last in a long line of parades that dated back to 1991 with the Dinosaurs Live Parade. Since then, Aladdin, Toy Story, Hercules, and Mulan have all had parades at Hollywood Studios. You may remember the Disney Stars and Motor Cars Parade that lasted 7 years (2001-2008). While Star Wars Weekends includes a parade and the 2015 Frozen Summer features a Royal Welcome Reception – both lack the Disney Spectacle captured in the Magic Kingdoms Festival of Fantasy Parade. In fact, the floats used for Frozen Summer are mostly recycled “Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Parade” floats. Here’s hoping for a new parade as part of Studios re-theming.   The daily parade at California Adventure could be an indication of what is to come.

The Sorcerers Hat?

Actually, I’m just kidding about the Sorcerers Hat…. It should have never lasted as long as it did, but Disney was stuck in a legal battle that lasted until the naming rights of the actual theater in Hollywood was sold to TCL in 2013. While you won’t hear Disney publicly state that was the issue, the evidence is clear. Any way you look at it, welcome back “TCL Chinese Theater”. Let’s hope you make it through the transition…. But that’s a topic for another blog!!!

For More from Disney Hollywood Studios be sure to check out: Osborne Lights, New Years Eve Fireworks, 5 things we miss, Club Disney, Jingle Bell Jingle Bam, Music of Pixar Live, Wonderful World of Animation, The Dream Comes True, Galaxy’s Edge, Mickey and Minnies Run Away Railway, The Great Movie Ride. The Great Move ride ending, Star Wars Fireworks. Movie Magic

Photo Gallery – The Guard Shack

Photo Gallery – Sid Cahuernga’s

Photo Gallery – The Writer’s Stop

Photo Gallery – AFI Showcase

Photo Gallery – Studios Parades


  1. What a great list of Hollywood Studios “things to remember”. I miss these things too – especially those old colorful parades (and I’m not even a parade fan). I so miss the original Backlot Tour and I’m sad about the closing of the Art of Animation. So many changes that I almost can’t take it. But, it’s Disney, so I’m confident that something better is coming. (Just don’t mess with Tower of Terror!)

  2. So many great things I miss about Hollywood Studios! And a few I don’t really remember too. I do remember the guard shack, but never really paid much attention to it. It was a very nice touch, though. I wish it was still there. I loved the Disney Stars & Motor Cars Parade!!! I was very sad to see it go. I also miss the AFI showcase and the Backlot Tour. My favorite part of it was seeing Residential Street. I also loved seeing the animators at work on the next Disney film. It was the highlight of the Animation Tour. I’m sure they’re working on something great for the park, but I do miss a lot of the things that are now gone. While I would prefer for the park to go back to a working studio concept, I seriously doubt it’s likely. I’m expecting something more like DCA, which I’m sure will still be great. The imagineers always do a great job. I’m excited to hear what they’re up to when they’re ready to announce it! (And I totally agree with Heidi – don’t touch Tower of Terror! It’s my favorite!)

  3. The last time I was at Hollywood Studios, I didn’t get a chance to go on The Backlot Tour one more time. Ugh, still sad about that! I loved going into Sid’s, it was my favorite place to unwind as I was heading out of the park.

  4. I didn’t know hardly any of this. We only were fortunate enough to really start coming to WDW regularly in 2012. This was all interesting. It’s too bad they can’t add new without always removing all of the old. I’m glad you did this article so people could read about what had been at Hollywood Studios.

  5. Sam, this is an awesome post. Studios was always my favorite park when I was a kid. I remember my first visit to the studios I was hysterical because the Mickey Mouse Club was filming and they needed audience members but I was too young. (My only chance to get Justin Timberlake to fall in love with me.) I will always miss Studios in its golden age.

  6. I soooo miss Sids. We loved stopping in and doing the trivia contest. We actually competed it once. But only once.

  7. While at Disney Imagineering I created the very first “Streetmosphere” cast (and inventor of the word: Streetmosphere). So I am surprised to see articles and photos all over the web with a bit of gross misinformation about the character of “Sid Cahuenga.” I was on the original concept & design team for the “little studio in Florida” project. We all enjoyed selecting actual, icon buildings throughout Hollywood, CA, to reproduce as our Tinseltown main street and thought it only apt that in our make-believe 1947 Hollywood there be one, last, hold-out home-owner, selling real collectibles from the studios and estate sales. When I was sketching the character images I thought of a long time actor friend in Minneapolis. (Not knowing is he was available for the role, but it assisted me in creating “Sid Cahuenga.” I called my pal, AL ARASIM, in advance of our Imagineering directors’ team hitting Minneapolis on our ten-city audition tour. I asked Al to wear a Hawaiian shirt, Panama hat, and cigar. When he entered the audition room we pretended not to know each other. Ther other directors (for Comedy Warehouse and Adventurers Club) went crazy …”That’s your guy!” Al’s audition was flawless and I told him, on the spot, “You’re moving to Florida next March (1989.) Al breathed live into “Sid” and guests, Disney execs, kids ..everyone loved Sid Cahuenga. USA Today placed a photo of Sid (and a handful of other Streetmosphere characters) on the FRONT PAGE of their paper in their glowing report of DISNEY-MGM STUDIOS opening. A family photo of sid (and the entire Cahuenga clan (ALL IN Hawaiin shirts) hung on the wall in the shop for years. Online, there are photos of a framed image of a guy in a straw boater with the caption “Sid Cahuenga.” THAT photo is of actor/entertainer Danny Dillon who was NOT “Dis Cahuenga” Opening Day. Danny (RIP) was a master entertainer. I cast him to be a classic Hollywood Song and dance man in the Backlot Break Area with a live pianist accompanying him in his performances of great old movie and show tunes. Guests loved Danny. He was a dear man and we were fortunate to have had him!


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